woensdag 26 mei 2010

greedy business man

greedy business man, originally uploaded by Bob Fuchs.

Yesterday I shot Dik Nicolai ( www.diknicolai.com ) for a project on my new school. I planned to let him be a serious business man, but we had alot of fun, and there we go: our greedy business man

dinsdag 25 mei 2010


Yesterday I had a shoot with a really good friend of my; Yara.
We had alot of fun along the way, and this is what came out.

zondag 23 mei 2010


I recently shot an paint-artist. I wanted to photograph him in a some kind ordinary way, but still familiar. The outcome was that we painted all over him. So there we go; our paint-artist.


This is a shot i took on the streets in Amsterdam of a street-musician.
I thought that he had an interesting atmosphere, so that maked me that I wanted him in front of my camera. I asked him if he was willing to participate, and here is the shot he gave me.